It is a slow, silent but continous massacre.

According to UNHCR, since the beginning of the year 1,889 people died in the Mediterranean sea while trying to reach Europe (counting only the « verified deaths »). Despite the rescue operations of Mare nostrum more than 1,600 people have died only in the last 3 months.




Although Lampedusa has been temporary « cut off »and the border line of the Fortress Europe has been moved to the north on the Sicilian shores, the tragic fate of migrants does not change and the rescue device of the Italian Navy is unable to stem the problem.

It is the « tragedy of the moment » that makes the news, are the macabre details of a single incident that affect the public and the media but the phenomenon in the long run has a poor attention.

Europe continues to show appreciation for the work of Mare Nostrum and for the great care of Italy but it doesn’t program a paradigm shift in immigration policies of Ue countries for example, drawing up alliance of protection and not of militarization with the third countries and by promoting  legal channels of entry to ensure safety and security for migrants.